Sunday 11 May 2014


Good afternoon!

A long period of absence has been broken through thoughts of nostalgia! The blog has been redesigned, the old posts removed (but not deleted) and once again I'll do my best to ramble about the things that aren't important!

The first topic of choice is Accounting, I've completed most of Level 3 of AAT - I have just PETH and Costs & Revenues to go! My upcoming module is Professional Ethics in Accounting, or PETH, this module is different from the other modules at this level in that the exam requires written answers as opposed to tick boxes and numerical answers that feature in the other exams. I've got the books ready to be studied!

Other than my Accounting studies I've been running again recently, making good progress through the NHS Couch to 5K program, the weather is nice enough currently without being too warm to make it uncomfortable to run so I hope to finish the program within the next 4-5 weeks! I'm also battling my way through the most recent volume of A Song of Ice and Fire - A Dance with Dragons, though I'm just under halfway through the first half of it so it may be a while before it gets finished! Whilst looking for the book on a certain online webstore I noticed that there is now two styles of cover art, one is the traditional cover style that the series has maintained for a little while now and showcases the books as fantasy, the newer style is very generic - maybe for people who would feel embarrassed reading these books?
Original Cover
New Cover

I've bought back an old tradition from the previous posts - the post titles will be song names/lyrics. Today's title comes from Rise Against, this track is featured on their album Endgame.

Hopefully I'll pick up a strand to follow and define this blog with over the next few weeks, anyway I'm off now, bye!